Upper School Robotics Places at Nebraska State Tournament

The Nebraska State Robotics Tournament took place over spring break. BT's Upper School teams took 1st and 2nd in Skills and secured the 3rd seed and the 11th seed. 1028X competed with a new design and new bot and did quite well with very little practice time. Their autons worked every time and they gained a driver and will be back at it for their senior year. 1028Z had a really great week of practice leading up to the tournament and got 2nd in skills. 1028A brought home the Worlds Qualifying 1st place in Skills and then picked 1028Z to form the 3 seed alliance. They had to battle through the bracket to get to the finals but lost in the finals. 1028A and 1028Z join three Middle School teams that have also qualified for the VEX World Championships! 

Both Middle and Upper School Robotics teams are competing at the U.S. Open this week in Council Bluffs, IA. 

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