Wow! Support from the BT community during Gingerbread for Bricks was so incredible and resulted in several grades/Houses reaching new participation milestones!
Forest Room and Gillmore House are neck in neck in the race to be the first grade/House to reach 80%! When they hit 80%, they earn a pizza party with an administrator AND are entered in a lottery for a chance to name a learning space in the new building!
These grades/Houses have surpassed the 60% milestone, earning an ice cream party:
- Forest
- Wildflowers
- Dake
- Gillmore
These grades/Houses are now represented on the Building Together Generosity Wall:
- Forest
- Wildflowers
- Grade 1
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Dake
- Gillmore
- Hitchcock
Check your grade/House's participation!
If you haven't had a chance to make your gift to Building Together Capital Campaign and The BT Fund, do so before December 31 for your gift to be counted in the Building Together $1 million match. Gifts of $250 or more to the capital campaign will be matched dollar for dollar!